
Prismax Nutritivo Instrucciones: Su Guía Paso a Paso

Sigue estos sencillos pasos para aplicar Prismax Nutritivo y conseguir un cabello más suave, sano y manejable. Nuestra guía te ayudará a maximizar los beneficios de los productos Prismax, tanto si los utilizas para un mantenimiento preventivo como para reparar el cabello dañado.

Cuándo Utilizar Prismax Nutritivo

Para un mantenimiento preventivo, utilice Prismax según sea necesario, o después de coloraciones, mechas o procesos químicos como tratamientos de queratina y relajantes para proteger el cabello de la sequedad.

Para reparar e hidratar el cabello dañado, utilice Prismax mensualmente durante al menos 5 meses, y después disfrute de hasta 10 meses de mejor salud capilar.

Instrucciones Paso a Paso

Instrucciones Paso a Paso

1. Start with Clean Hair

Wash your hair without using conditioner or oils. We recommend using Prismax Clarifying Shampoo for the best results.

Prismax Clarifying Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - 4 fl oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Clarifying Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - 4 fl oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Clarifying Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - 4 fl oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Clarifying Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - 4 fl oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Clarifying Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - 4 fl oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Clarifying Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - 4 fl oz - Prismax Cosmetics

Prismax Champú Clarificante con Lipoteína-Q (Queratina Antienvejecimiento) - 4 fl oz

Ver detalles

2. Remove Excess Moisture

Towel-dry your hair to remove excess water.

3. Prepare the Prismax Nutritivo Mixture

Dilute the entire vial of Prismax Nutritivo with 3.5oz of room-temperature water (less than 104°F) and mix until creamy

Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo Capilar - 1 Tratamiento
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo Capilar - 1 Tratamiento
Prismax Nutritivo Capilar - 1 Tratamiento
Prismax Nutritivo Capilar - 1 Tratamiento
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo - 1 Treatment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Nutritivo Capilar - 1 Tratamiento

Prismax Nutritivo Capilar - 1 Tratamiento

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Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Mixing Bowl and Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics

Prismax Bol para Mezclar y Cepillo Aplicador

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4. Apply the Mixture to Your Hair

Use a cepillo pequeño to apply the mixture strand by strand, from root to tip, ensuring your hair is fully saturated. Massage the strands thoroughly to work the product into your hair, avoiding clumps.

Prismax Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Applicator Brush - Prismax Cosmetics

Cepillo Aplicador Prismax

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5. Heat Your Hair

Place a tapa protectora de plástico over your hair and heat it for 20 minutes (10 minutes for bleached hair). Use a hooded hair dryer, thermal heating cap, or the Accesorio para Secador Prismax for best results.

10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics
10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics
10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics
10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics
10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics
10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics
10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics
10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics
10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics
10 Disposable Plastic Shower Caps - Prismax Cosmetics

10 Gorros de Ducha de Plástico Desechables

Ver detalles
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Soft Bonnet Hood Dryer Attachment - Prismax Cosmetics

Prismax Accesorio para el Secador de Cabello

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6. Rinse Your Hair

Aclara ligeramente el cabello con agua fría, dejando la mitad del producto en el cabello para seguir hidratándolo

7. Dry and Style Your Hair

Seca y peina el cabello a tu gusto. Recomendamos utilizar un secador y un cepillo redondeado para secar el pelo y, a continuación, pasar la plancha para ayudar a sellar el producto en las cutículas y conseguir efectos más duraderos. Ajusta la plancha a 350℉ y pásala por el cabello 2 o 3 veces. Para cabellos finos o teñidos, baja la temperatura a 300℉-325℉.

Cuidado Posterior

Mantenimiento Diario con el Acondicionador Sin Aclarado Prismax

Use the Acondicionador Prismax Leave-In: Crema de protección total para el secado daily to keep your hair soft and moisturized. Our multifunctional formula can be used after washing or before blow-drying for thermal protection and reduced drying time, or on towel-dried hair to tame frizz and add shine!

Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Acondicionador sin Enjuague - Crema de Protección Total - 8oz
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - 8oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Leave-In Conditioner - Total Protection Blow Dry Cream - Prismax Cosmetics

Prismax Acondicionador sin Enjuague - Crema de Protección Total - 8oz

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Recordatorio Importante: Evite los Sulfatos

After applying Prismax Nutritivo, avoid using hair care products that contain sulfates (shampoos, conditioners, hair masks, etc.) for longer-lasting effects. Sulfates strip moisture from the hair. We recommend using the Champú Prismax sin sulfato and Acondicionador Prismax sin sulfatos to maintain your hair's health and shine.

Prismax Control Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - Sulfate-free, Paraben-free - 10oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Control Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - Sulfate-free, Paraben-free - 10oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Control Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - Sulfate-free, Paraben-free - 10oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Control Shampoo with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - Sulfate-free, Paraben-free - 10oz - Prismax Cosmetics

Prismax Control Shampoo - 10oz

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Prismax Control Conditioner with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - Sulfate-Free - 10oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Control Conditioner with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - Sulfate-Free - 10oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Control Conditioner with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - Sulfate-Free - 10oz - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Control Conditioner with Lipotein-Q (Anti-Aging Keratin) - Sulfate-Free - 10oz - Prismax Cosmetics

Prismax Control Conditioner - 10oz

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Prismax Complete Kit - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Complete Kit - Prismax Cosmetics
Prismax Complete Kit - Prismax Cosmetics

Prismax Kit Completo


Prismax Nutritivo Capilar - 1 Tratamiento
